Those wacky vegans. Always telling people about their delicious food.
So what do vegans eat? I'm probably not the best at answering this right now, because I have a cold, and I'm grumpy.
That being said, there is one thing that I'm grooving on right now. It's packs a nutrient punch, is delicious, and I'm sure will probably KO this cold shortly. Also, Wilson refuses to go around it, so it's all for me.
Behold, the green smoothie.

Many 'healthy living' bloggers rock on the green smoothie, so for some of you, this is nothing new. I don't ever really measure anything I make, but I'll give you the approximation of this tall glass of awesome.
'Tropical' Green Smoothie
2 cups spinach
1/2 cup almond milk (I prefer unsweetened original)
1/2 frozen banana
1/2 cup frozen mango chunks
1/3 cup frozen pineapple
1 TBS protein powder (I used Nutribiotic Vanilla Rice Protein)
1 TBS peanut butter (I used White Chocolate Wonderful from Peanut Butter & Co).
1/4 cup of orange juice (To get it blending and for EVEN MORE VITAMINS!)
Blend on med-high for approximately a minute and a half. I blend until it seems liquidity. Sometimes I don't, and I pretend that it's soft serve and eat it like that. Either way, it's awesome.
AND, LOOK AT ALL THAT SPINACH! (Bee tee dubs, you can't taste it!)
I love smoothies, but always had an aversion to green ones. The PPK was able to convince me otherwise.
those ingredients actually sound like they marry well...:)
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